Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Response to AdvertisingAge

This time of year usually starts off with a call from my grandma asking me about my first day of school, and oh yeah, "The Emmys are on this Sunday at 8, are you going to watch them?" But this year I didn't get that same call. There was only one question, "How was your first day of school?" Had my grandma forgotten about the Emmys or was she no longer interested in the same lame awards that don't seem to matter to anyone, except the person who is receiving it. Well, i have to agree with Simon Dumenco. Sunday was my break from work and school, so i decided to flip through some channels on TV. I just happened to run into the Emmys, which honestly, I had no idea it was even airing at that time. I enjoy see the stars with Gucci designer dresses and $1500 hairdo's, so I was content for a little while. However, there were some shows that won Emmys that I've never even heard, where did they come from? Dumenco states, "But nevermind the ever-increasing apathetic absentee audience." It's true, I probably watch the ceremony for a half an hour, during that time period the announcers apologized for 3 stars not being able to attend.

Sunday, August 27, 2006


Well, i just turned 18, and my grandpa came to me with a great idea. He said why not open a roth ira account? I've heard him say this a million times to me; it probably started when i was about 10. However, it never really sunk in until now. Anyhow, for all of those who don't know what a roth ira account is...it is an account that you can put money in for retirement. The money is compounded and tax-free. Therefore, if you do things right, you should have more money than you put in. However, the catch is that you can not withdraw your money until you are 59 and a half without a 10% penalty. My grandpa helped put money in it, but in return i have to learn about the stock market. I'm still new at the whole thing, and still very nervous about handling money in the market. The market can be a lot like gambling, if you turn your back for a second you could lose all of your money. Well, i'll keep you posted on what happens. If anyone wants to talk about finances, or have any words of wisdom feel free to post a blog.