Saturday, December 09, 2006

Media Consumer..Hey That's Me!

At the beginning of this class i would consider myself to have been a media drone. What do I mean by media drone you ask? Well, it's simple. I was one of those people that was so used to consuming media that I did not think about the meaning of the media. I can honestly say that I have become more critical since I have been in this class. Sometimes I catch myself nit-picking at little things in the media. Things like advertisments, movies, and even books. In another class, we talked about a canon that was created. The canon included all the pieces of media that were most important- it could be considered the foundation that other media references to from time to time.Also, it was a list of books and things that well-educated people should be familiar with. For instance, last night I was watching some late-night T.V. Ok, so i was watching the movie "Clueless." There's nothing wrong with that. First, I will give a brief explanation of the movie for those who have not seen it. It is a teeny-bopper movie that was created to make fun of all the rich teenagers in L.A. Cher, the main character, falls in love with her step brother, and they live happily ever after. It is a funny movie, but again there is refereces to other media that has been created. Although there is not a very strong plot, I found it very interesting that there was references to Shakespeare. Specifically, the actors make remarks about Hamlet. This i something that I did not pick up on when I was younger, because i did not have the left brain critical media side in me. I've thought about te commercials that are on during certain times. During the day there mostly one group of people that stay home: Retired people. So at this time there are commercials about scooters that help you be more mobile. When school gets out around 3 or 4 in the afternoon the commercials consist of iPODS, and mostly electronic things. At night, aroud 7 or so, there are commercials about food, and cell phones. There is not one commercial about scooters. And, late at night there are commercials about sexy girls that you can call for a good time. Also, Christmas seems to be getting earlier and earlier every year. The very beginning of November set off the Christmas advertisements. Usually, it would be hard to even see that right before Thanksgiving. Saturday and Sunday morning it would be easy to see commercials about barbie and RC cars.

1 comment:

Lilly Buchwitz said...

You may be interested to know that almost every novel, every story, every movie plot, has an element of Shakespeare in it. And I once read that the average English-speaking adult uses a phrase from Shakespeare in conversation at least once a day. Almost always without being aware of it.