Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Did Fox really steal Prison Break idea?

How many of you watch Prison Break? Probably quite a few, it has become a very popular show on Fox, airing on Monday nights. Two brothers say that they had actually lived the story. So, they thought it would be a good idea for a show. When the sent their idea to Fox, Fox rejected it. But, last year Fox put on a show called Prison Break. The two brothers are claiming copyright fraud. And, they are suing the producer of the show. Ironically, the brothers in this article are two men that are living on disablility and social security. More importantly, the lead in the show is super hot! He is he only reason that I would watch the show. But, even more importantly this show could possibly affect prisoners if they saw it. There is always prisoners that think they can escape from jail, and some of them succeed. But, couldn't this show be used as an example for prisoners, showing them how easy it is to get out of jail. The viewers of this show could be on the outside, trying to get their loved one out of jail. This show could be a "recipe for disaster."

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